5 |
check |
How much flour do you need to bake a cake? |
Mehl braucht man, um einen Kuchen zu backen? |
How many people do fit
into a car? |
Personen passen in ein Auto? |
How many people have seen the accident? |
Leute haben den Unfall beobachtet? |
How much money do we
have left? |
Geld haben wir noch? |
For how many people did you prepare food? |
Leute hast du gekocht? |
To how many people did
you write? |
Leute hast du geschrieben? |
With how many people have you spoken? |
Leuten hast du gesprochen? |
How many boxes contain
something? |
Schachteln ist etwas drin? |
The wood of how many trees was pointlessly
wasted. |
Das Holz
Bäume wurde sinnlos verschwendet? |
How many knew about this
and didn't say anything? |
haben davon gewußt und nichts gesagt? |