33.3 Participle as substitute for a relative clause

In English a participle can substitute a relative clause
They watched children running down the street.
= The watched children that were running down the street.
Cars made in Japan have a good reputation.
= Cars that are made in Japan have a good reputation.

If you wonder why we are telling you this, the answer is quite easy: Because it does not work the same way in German. Or, better said: of course you could translate it directly, but no-one would really talk this way.

They watched children running down the street.
(= They watched children that were running down the street..)
correct: Sie haben Kindern, die die Straße hinuntergelaufen sind, zugesehen.
incorrect: Sie haben Kindern zugesehen, die Straße hinunterlaufend.  
Cars made in Japan have a good reputation.
(= Cars that are made in Japan have a good reputation.)
correct: Autos, die in Japan hergestellt werden, haben einen guten Ruf.
incorrect: Autos, in Japan hergestellt, haben einen guten Ruf.  

If you absolutely want to use also in German a participle, you can use the participle as an adjective and build another sentence (more details about participles as an adjective see here).

Sie schauten den die Straße hinunter laufenden Kindern zu.
In Japan hergestellte Autos haben einen guten Ruf.

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