26.4.3 Exercise 3: Formation of compound words

Many compound words can be formed within a creative system. Which actually means according to a certain principle one can create new words as many as fantasy serves.
noun + noun
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Bauarbeiter = worker on a construction site
Baumaßnahme = tasks of construction
Baustelle = building site, construction site
Baumaschine = machine for building
Bausektor = building sector
Bau = construction, building, Industrie = industry
construction industry
Hausdach = roof of a house
Haustür = door of a house (entrance)
Hausarbeiten = house work
Hausflur = corridor
Haus = house, Wand = wall
wall of a house
Benzinkanister = gasoline can
Benzinpreis = gasoline price
Benzinherstellung = refinary
Benzin = gasoline, Lieferung = supply
gasoline supply

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