25.9.1 Exercise 1: Adverbs

Choose the correct option. Even though the correct answers are available as voice samples, it would be more useful for you to first choose your answer and then listen to the phrase.

Er hat alles Beschreibung entsprechend gemacht, trotzdem hat es nicht funktioniert.
He did everything according to the description, still it didn't work.
Dieser Ausdruck war geläufig, ich glaube er hat ihn einfach erfunden.
Nobody knew this expression, I think, he just invented it.
Das sieht ähnlich, einfach nicht zu kommen, ohne abzusagen.
This is typical for her, not to come and not to excuse herself.
Er war immer behilflich, wenn sie ihn brauchte.
He always helped her, wenn she needed him.
Sie waren so müde, dass alles egal war.
They were so tired, that they didn't care about anything.
Sie waren einfach in allem überlegen.
They were superior to us in everything.
Es war peinlich, darüber zu sprechen.
He was embarrassed to talk about it.
Er war Alkohol sehr zugetan.
He liked alcohol a lot.
Die einzigen, die treu blieben, waren die, die er jahrelang indoktriniert hatte.
The only ones, that were faithful to him, were those ones, who were indoctrinated by him for years.
Die Erbschaft kam sehr gelegen, ohne das Geld wäre die Firma in Konkurs gegangen.
The heritage was very welcome, because without the money his company would have had to declare bankruptcy.

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