Put these phrases into reported speech with and without
the conjunction
They said: "We
will give him a bicycle." |
said that
they would give him a bicycle. |
Sie sagten:"Wir schenken ihm ein Fahrrad.
She said: "I don't
give him money." |
She said
she didn't give him money. |
Sie sagte: "Ich gebe ihm kein Geld."
She said: "I have
not given him money." |
She said
she had not given him money. |
Sie sagte:"Ich habe ihm kein Geld gegeben."
You said: "We have
not been invited." |
You said
you had not been invited. |
Ihr sagtet:"Wir sind nicht eingeladen
gewesen."  |
You said: "We are
not paid yet." |
You said
we were not paid yet. |
Ihr sagtet:"Man hat uns noch nicht
Example: questions |
She asks:
Why don't you leave me alone?" |
Sie fragt: "Warum lässt du
mich nicht in Ruhe? |
> |
She asks why don't you
leave her alone. |
Sie fragt, warum ich sie nicht in Ruhe lasse. |
He asks: "Do you
like the music?" |
Er fragt: "Gefällt dir diese Musik?" |
He asks whether I like
the music. |
Er fragt, ob mir diese Musik gefalle. |
He asks: "Do you
have a coffee?" |
He asked
whether I had a coffee. |
Er fragt: "Hast du einen Kaffee?"
The asked: "Have
you stolen the car?" |
They asked whether we
had stolen the car. |
Sie fragten: "Habt ihr das Auto gestohlen."
They ask: "Why
did you do it?" |
They ask why you
did it. |
Sie fragen: "Warum habt ihr das gemacht?"
He asked: "Why
don't you drink your coffee?" |
He asked why I didn't
drink my coffee. |
Er fragte: "Warum trinkst du deinen Kaffee nicht?"
They asked: "How
many are there?" |
They asked how many there
were. |
Sie fragten: "Wieviele sind es?"
We ask: "Which
car do you want?" |
We ask which car you
want. |
Wir fragten:"Welches Auto wollt ihr?"