16.3.5 declension of euer (2nd person plural)

Possessive pronouns
  German English
  feminine masculine neutral  
Nominative eure eurer eures yours
Genitive not used * not used * not used * of yours
Dative eurer eurem eurem to yours
Accusative eure euren eures yours
Nominative eure eure eure yours
Genitive not used not used not used of yours
Dative euren euren euren to yours
Accusative eure eure eure yous

* In common language the Genitive of the substantival possessive pronoun is not used. There is another form of a possessive that could be used (der eurige, die eurige, das eurige), but it sounds really antiquated. If you want to form a Genitive of eure it is mostly done like in English.

Das ist der Schlüssel von eurem (Auto etc.).
This is the key to yours. (car etc.)

   Example: die Schachtel (= box) possessed object => feminine, singular

Ich sehe eure, aber unsere nicht.
I see yours but not ours.

  Example: das Kleid (= dress) possessed object => neutral, singular

Du kannst mit eurem hingehen.
You can go with yours.

  Example: die Häuser (= house) possessed object => neutral, plural

Ich sehe eure, aber ihre nicht.
I see yours but not hers.

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