As you can see, the object that follows the preposition
has to be declined according to the Genitive-declination.
More details on prepositions you'll find in chapter 19
- more prepositions.
macht nichts während des Regens. = Fritz does nothing during the rain. Fritz macht
nichts wegen des Kindes. = Fritz does nothing because of the child. Fritz macht
nichts trotz des Abendessens. = Fritz does nothing despite the dinner. Fritz macht
nichts während einer Feier.= Fritz does nothing during a party. Fritz macht
nichts trotz des Regens. = Fritz does nothing despite the rain. Während des Abendessens sprechen sie nicht viel. = During the dinner they don't talk much. Während des Spazierganges lachen sie viel. = During the promenade they laugh a lot.
With most of the prepositions the Genitive is only used
if there is an inflected pronoun
(except for personal pronouns!), an adjective or
an article between preposition and noun. Otherwise
the Dative is used. This
is especially noticeable when personal pronoun e.g.:
Fritz macht alles wegen
seines Sohnes (Gentitiv).
= Fritz does everything because
of his son.
Fritz macht alles wegen
ihm (Dative).
= Because of him
Fritz does everything.
Wir gehen nach Hause nur wegen
einer Person (Genitive).
= We go home only because
of one person.
Wir gehen nach Hause nur wegen
Dir. = We go home
only because of you.
These few examples just show the principle. All the
prepositions that require the Genitive work the same.