7.5 Exercise - formation of the plural

In general we suggest that you always learn the word and its plural together. Here we give the group to which the word belongs according to the formation of its plural.

  Form the plural of the following nouns.

die Katze (7.1.2) = cat
der Tisch (7.1.1) = table
der Löffel (7.3) = spoon
der Student (7.1.2) = student
der Pullover (7.3) = pullover
die Tüte (7.1.2) = plastic bag
das Bett (7.1.2) = bed
der Garten (7.2.3) = garden
die Pflanze (7.1.2) = plant
der Schrank (7.2.1) = closet
der Nagel (7.2.3) = nail
der Finger (7.3) = finger
der Idiot (7.1.2) = idiot
das Bein (7.1.1) = leg
der Brief (7.1.1) = letter
das Dach (7.2.2) = roof
der Laden (7.2.3) = shop
die Karotte (7.3) = carrot
die Diskussion (7.1.2) = discussion
das Haar (7.1.1) = hair
der Schlüssel (7.3) = key
die Straße (7.1.2) = street
die Stadt (7.2.1) = town
die Wolke (7.1.2) = cloud
der Vorhang (7.2.1) = curtain
der Turm (7.2.1) = tower
die Uhr (7.1.2) = clock

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