4.2 Personal Pronouns in Basic Form (Nominative

What is a pronoun? A pronoun is - as the word says - to substitute a noun. In a position pro- (for) noun. Have a look.

Germans drink too much beer.
      we can also say
They drink too much beer.


ich I
du you
er he
sie she
es it
wir we
ihr you
sie they

You might have heard before that one of the crazy things in German language is that everything has a gender, even though it might be just a thing. They can be feminine, masculine or neutral. And then there is absolutely no logic in this issue. For instance is the German baby a neutral.

Das Kind schläft. = The baby sleeps
Es schläft. = It sleeps.

But there are other weird combinations, too.

Der Tisch ist braun. (masculine) = The table is brown.
Er ist braun. = He (It) is brown.

Das Haus ist grün (neutrum) = The house is green.
Es ist grün. = It is green.

Die Tasse ist gelb. (feminine) = The cup is yellow
Sie ist gelb. = She (it) is yellow.

Things only get easier in plural forms because there is no difference between the genders of the words.

Die Frauen lesen. = The women are reading.
Sie lesen = They are reading.
Die Männer lesen. = The men are reading.
Sie lesen = They are reading.
Die Babys lesen. = The babies are reading.
Sie lesen = They are reading.

One big step is to learn the personal pronouns because you will need them a lot.

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