27.3.5 Word order in phrases with modal verbs

Also when there are modal verbs (müssen, sollen, können, dürfen) the rule is the same and the objects go directly behind the first conjugated verb.

Let's have a look at an example  
Ich schenke Peter ein Buch.
= I give Peter a book.
Ich habe ihm ein Buch geschenkt.
= I have given Peter a book.
Ich schenke es ihm.
= I give itto him.
Ich will ihm ein Buch schenken.
= I want to give him a book.
Ich will es ihm schenken.
= I want to give it to him.
Ich habe ihm ein Buch schenken wollen.
= I have wanted to give him a book.
Ich habe es ihm schenken wollen.
= I have wanted to give it to him.

These phrases follow the same simple rule. The direct object and the indirect object go behind the first conjugated verb. The only thing that is then still to be understood is the use of the modal verbs, which is explained in chapter 21.

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