Relative Adverbs Indicating Future Bald, demnächst = soon
Er wird bald kommen. He'll come soon.
Der Film kommt demnächst im Kino. The movie is soon released. Danach *, hinterher = afterwards
Hinterher ist man immer schlauer. Afterwards one is always wiser.
Danach sind wir ins Kino gegangen. Afterwards we went to the movies.

* Note: danach can also be a pronominal adverb, or can have the function of a pronoun.

Example: Danach hat er nicht gefragt. He did not ask about this.

This danach substitutes something, refers to something already said, therefore is has the same function like a pronoun. Später = later, afterwards
Wir machen es später. We do it later.
Danach sind wir ins Kino gegangen. Afterwards we went to the movies.

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