20.1.92 zu = to (with Dative)

Note! Zu could be mixed with nach and in because it also means to.
Ich fahre nach Dänemark. = I go to Denmark.
Ich fahre in die Schweiz. = I go to Switzerland.
Ich gehe zum (zu dem => zum) Bahnhof. = I go to the station.
Zu is used with official buildings meaning some kind of authority.
Ich gehe zum Bahnhof. = I go to the station.
Ich gehe zum Bürgermeisteramt. = I go to the mayor's office.
Ich gehe zum Arbeitsamt. = I go to the unemployment office.
Ich gehe zum Finanzamt. = I go to the tax office.
Ich gehe ins Kino. = I go to the movies.
Ich gehe ins Schwimmbad. = I go to the swimming pool.
Ich gehe ins Theater. = I go to the theatre.
In relation with persons the preposition is always zu.
Ich gehe zu ihm. = I go to his place.
Ich gehe zu meinem Onkel. = I go to my uncle's house.
to describe an intention
Zum Kochen braucht man Öl. = One needs oil to cook.
to describe feelings
Ich habe damit kein Geld verdient. Ich habe es zu meinem Vergnügen gemacht.
= I didn't earn money with it. I did it for fun.
Zu meinem Bedauern muss ich Ihnen mitteilen, dass ich pleite bin.
= I'm sorry to tell you that I'm broke.
Zu as for
Zu seinem Geburtstag haben wir ihm ein Auto geschenkt.
= We gave him a car for his birthday.
to describe relations
Das Verhältnis Männer zu Frauen war 3 zu 1.
= The relation men women was three to one.
to describe a change
Schliesslich kamen wir zu einer Einigung.
= In the end we agreed.
in certain idiomatic expressions
zu Hause = at home
Er ist zu Hause. = He is at home.
zu Besuch = visiting
Er ist zu Besuch. = He is visiting.
zu Fuß = by foot
Er geht zu Fuß. = He goes by foot.
zu Mittag = lunch
Er isst zu Mittag. = He has lunch.
zu Bett = to bed
Er geht zu Bett. = He goes to bed.
zu Beginn = at the beginning
Zu Beginn waren alle zufrieden. = At the beginning all were satisfied.

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