19.5.1 Irrealis of the past

The Irrealis of the past (Irrealis der Vergangenheit) is formed with the compound form of the conjunctive II (with orientation to the past):
conjunctive II of haben + perfect participle in both parts of the sentence. The conjunction that introduces the condition is wenn.


Ich hätte mir ein Auto gekauft,
wenn ich Geld
gehabt hätte. =

= I would have bought a car
if I had had the money.
Du hättest dir ein Auto gekauft,
wenn du Geld
gehabt hättest.
= You would have bought a car
if you had had the money.
Er / Sie / Es hätte sich ein Auto gekauft,
wenn er / sie / es Geld
gehabt hätte.
= He / She / It would have bought a car
if he / she / it had had the money.
Wir hätten uns ein Auto gekauft,
wenn wir Geld
gehabt hätten.
= We would have bought a car
if we had had the money.
Ihr hättet euch ein Auto gekauft,
wenn ihr Geld
gehabt hättet.
= You would have bought a car
if you had had the money.
Sie hätten sich ein Auto gekauft,
wenn sie Geld
gehabt hätten.
= They would have bought a car
if they had had the money.

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