Seite 1: Tischlein deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack |
Vor Zeiten
war ein Schneider, der drei Söhne hatte
und nur eine einzige Ziege. Aber die Ziege,
weil sie alle zusammen mit ihrer Milch ernährte,
mußte ihr gutes Futter haben und täglich
hinaus auf die Weide geführt werden.
Die Söhne taten das auch nach der Reihe.
Einmal brachte sie der älteste auf
den Kirchhof, wo die schönsten Kräuter
standen, ließ sie da fressen und herumspringen.
Abends, als es Zeit war heimzugehen, fragte
er: "Ziege, bist du satt ?" |
There was once upon a time a tailor who had three sons, and only one goat. But as the goat supported the whole of them with her milk, she was obliged to have good food, and to be taken every day to pasture. The sons, therefore, did this, in turn. Once the eldest took her to the churchyard, where the finest herbs were to be found, and let her eat and run about there. At night when it was time to go home he asked, "Goat, hast thou had enough?" The goat answered, "I have eaten so much, Not a leaf more I'll touch, meh! meh!" "Come home, then," said the youth, and took hold of the cord round her neck, led her into the stable and tied her up securely. "Well," said the old tailor, "has the goat had as much food as she ought?" "Oh," answered the son, "she has eaten so much, not a leaf more she'll touch." But the father wished to satisfy himself, and went down to the stable, stroked the dear animal and asked, "Goat, art thou satisfied?" The goat answered, "Wherewithal should I be satisfied? Among the graves I leapt about, And found no food, so went without, meh! meh!" |
Vokabular | |
der Schneider = tailor | |
die Ziege = goat | |
ernähren = to feed | |
der Kirchhof, der Friedhof = cemetry | |
satt sein = to be satisfied | |
der Stall = stable | |
streicheln = to touch |
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